2017年7月12日 星期三



As the rest of the guests wandered the deck of the beach club under an early-evening midsummer sky, taking pinched, appraising sips of their cocktails to gauge if the bartenders were using the top-shelf stuff and balancing tiny crab cakes on paper napkins while saying appropriate things about how they'd really lucked out with the weather because the humidity would be back tomorrow, or murmuring inappropriate things about the bride's snug satin dress, wondering if the spilling cleavage was due to bad tailoring or poor taste (a look as their own daughters might say) or an unexpected weight gain, winking and making tired jokes about exchanging toasters for diapers, Leo Plumb left his cousin's wedding with one of the waitresses.



balancing tiny crab cakes on paper napkins 應該是指把蟹餅堆疊在餐巾紙上吧。
luck out 是運氣好,這裡沒譯出來,所以語氣整個錯了。
snug satin dress是貼身緞面禮服,不見得是平口。


2017年7月8日 星期六



1. 中文版p.23-24
After completing Dale Carnegie’s course to overcome his discomfort with public speaking, Buffett taught as a way to keep up his skills.

說明:這裡的keep up his skills是指巴菲特藉由繼續教學,維持上台不怯場的技巧,這點他經常提到。

2. 中文版p.25
Buffett was consumed by Graham’s ideas from the moment he encountered them—so much so that he even named his son, who is in line to become the next nonexecutive chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Howard Graham Buffett.

說明:他要等巴菲特或蒙格死後才會變成非執行董事長,不是已經變成非執行董事長了。In line to是表示未來的接班計畫,巴菲特還沒死。

3. 中文本 p.33
Christmas will come even if it’s in July.


4. 中文本p.34
If we start deciding, based on guesses or emotions, whether we will or won’t participate in a business where we should have some long run edge, we’re in trouble.



5. 中文版p.35和 p.283
My mentor, Ben Graham, used to say, “Speculation is neither illegal, immoral nor fattening (financially).” During the past year, it was possible to become fiscally flabby through a steady diet of speculative bonbons. We continue to eat oatmeal but if indigestion should set in generally, it is unrealistic to expect that we won’t have some discomfort.

說明:在這一年的股東信裡(其實就是本書中文版 p.281到283頁的內容),巴菲特解釋為什麼大家都賺得遠比他還多(「去年績效顯著高於道瓊指數的投資人比例可能是史上最高....很多公司大勝道瓊指數.......許多投資機構的績效顯著優於我們的合夥事業,有些報酬率甚至超過100%。在我看來,這像是投機加劇的情況。」)。這裡的flabby怎麼會是虛弱。這句話應該是說「過去一年中,如果你一直吃投機甜頭,財務上是有可能虛胖的。」

6. 中文版  p. 42和 p.47
Without attempting to evaluate the psychic income derived from finding a new hemisphere, it must be pointed out that even had squatter’s rights prevailed, the whole deal was not exactly another IBM.

說明:這裡應該是指強行占有久了變成合法擁有,譯者該不會是把prevail看成preserve吧。這裡的prevail應該是生效的意思to be or become effective or effectual

7. 中文版 p.55
The chance of doing better by investing actively as opposed to passively comes with a significant risk that results will actually be worse.




《安樂窩》 譯者:翁雅如 As the rest of the guests wandered the deck of the beach club under an early-evening midsummer sky, taking pinched, appr...